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Commercial & environmental benefits

Adding value to your business

By adapting your operations and enhancing green credentials, you can not only improve your environmental impact but also boost your profit margin and create a more stable cost structure.

Striving towards achieving Net Zero, and adopting circular economy practices are all key elements that can help you differentiate and propel your company towards sustainability and financial success.

Reducing the cost of waste disposal

Handling waste is an increasingly expensive business which is only set to rise. Legislative changes are focused on promoting segregation and decarbonisation within industries. This is evident in the upcoming rise in Landfill Tax, BMW Landfill bans, and the introduction of Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for Energy from Waste (EfW). Waste operators must seek alternative offtake options and adapt their operations to remain competitive.

Our technology allows for a 50% reduction in treated waste mass and over a 70% reduction in associated greenhouse gas emissions. It effectively transforms non-recyclable waste into a coal replacing alternative fuel known as Solid Recovered Fuel.

The future lies in innovation. By leveraging our network of reliable off-takers, we can not only secure higher profit margins for our customers but also reduce their transportation costs and cut greenhouse gas emissions associated with their waste.

10 - 20%

Average cost savings in 2024

Waste legislation chart

Reducing carbon footprint

Customers are increasingly prioritising contractors with proven environmental credentials and the ability to gather Scope 3 data when making their choices.

Advetec technology not only halves your waste mass but also significantly reduces the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. If you choose to dispose of the output as an alternative fuel, SRF, it further benefits the circular economy by diverting waste away from landfill or Energy from Waste (EfW) facilities.

When 10 tonnes of Mixed Residual Waste (MRW) are converted into Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), 6 tonnes of CO2e are saved, no methane is emitted, and 2.5 tonnes of coal are saved from being burned.

By using alternative, predictable offtake and replacing coal in energy-intensive industries, you are not only decarbonising your operations and those of your customers, but also contributing to the decarbonisation efforts of end users. This helps in making progress towards the collective goal of achieving Net Zero emissions.


GHG emissions saved

Prove your green credentials

We are currently developing a methodology to produce Carbon Credits in alignment with the Gold Standard, one of the most recognized registries for issuing carbon credits in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). This standard allows you to quantify, certify, and maximize impact for climate and sustainable development.

Our methodology will calculate GHG reductions based on the amount of waste processed, determining the amount of methane that would have otherwise been emitted using conservative default factors for tCO2eq avoided per ton of waste processed.

This provides you with an additional advantage over competitors that cannot be underestimated.



carbon credit

Faced with rising operational costs, labour shortage, taxes and lack of infrastructure, waste handlers urgently need financial certainty and a realistic alternative that protects the future of their business and that of their customers.

Lee Knott

Chief Executive Officer

Thinking of Scotland and beyond: AT4 compliance

Our compliance with AT4 levels demonstrates that the waste has been stabilised allowing it to still go to landfill with a reduced environmental impact. However, we are still committed to encouraging waste handlers to recover the value of floc in a more sustainable way, such as sending it for processing as SRF.

AT4 tests measure the stability of biodegradable waste and consider whether it will break down further.

Our extensive independent testing of the floc demonstrates that it achieves the required AT4 threshold for stability meaning that in Ireland the floc can go to landfill at the lower rate of landfill tax and will be able to go to still go to landfill in Scotland post 2025.


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Considerable GHG emissions reductions and your answer to the Methane Pledge

Stabilising waste has considerable benefits for any offtake method used.

If utilised as Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) it is an effective alternative fuel for reducing GHG emissions from energy-heavy industries. This way we can benefit the Circular Economy.

Infrastructure and economical challenges can prevent waste handlers from taking advantage of that method, landfill being often the most commonly used for contaminated waste that cannot be recycled.

GHG emissions from landfill are approximately a 50/50 split between methane and CO2, with methane being 32x more damaging to the atmosphere than CO2.

Our technology removes organic material from waste, preventing further break down process and methane emission.

90 - 100%

average methane reduction

Seamless on-site integration which tailors to your processes

The XO system has been designed with minimal customer disruption at the heart of what it does.

We dovetail our technology into our customers’ operations ensuring there are little or no changes to site operators’ activities, this helps ensure rapid adoption by the team using our machines.

24 - 36 hrs

Typically operational within

A collaborative approach to meeting regulatory and environmental requirements

Waste streams can dictate different permitting requirements in the UK; this can involve either a standard permit exemption or the need for a bespoke permit. Advetec and their environmental specialist partners will work with you and the environmental authorities to ensure you navigate the process correctly.

4 ,000 +

Tonnes of reusable bi-product created

Future-proofing waste business

As a dynamic, innovative, data-driven business we continuously seek to understand more about our customers’ needs. This drives our R&D programme.

Research & Development

Our customers include:

Want to find out more about our waste handling solutions?

Just drop us a line, our team of experts are always happy to help.

Advetec Team

England, Scotland & Wales