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Environmental impact

The way we think about waste management needs to change.

It is one of the essential utility services underpinning society in the 21st century. Waste management is a basic human need and is essential to society and to the economy as a whole, especially when we aspire to move towards a more circular model.

Waste management is a cross-cutting issue impacting on many aspects of society and the economy. It has strong linkages to a range of other global challenges such as health, climate change, poverty reduction, food and resource security.

Advetec Technology aims to help minimise waste streams that cannot be recycled and transform it into a commodity.

Advetec technology:

Advetec icon - GHG emission reduction

Reduces GHG emissions associated with transportation

Advetec icon - coal replacement

Reduces the use of virgin fossil fuels such as coal in the energy-intensive industries

AT4 compliant zero methane

Stops methane emissions when post-process material is disposed at landfill

non recyclable waste stream

Reduces the amount of non-recyclable waste material by 50%

Further segregation of waste

Potential for further segregation and recycling of these waste streams

Carbon credits Advetec

Potential for earning carbon credits through the use of Advetec XO technology

Did you know that in the UK alone, millions of tonnes of waste end up in landfills or low-level incineration every year?

In the UK alone, there are 14.8 million tonnes of Commercial & Industrial Mixed Residual Waste that end up in landfill or incineration, along with nearly 0.5 million tonnes of other non-recyclable waste streams containing organic matter. Advetec technology can help convert these waste streams, such as washroom waste or AD de-packaged waste, into valuable resource - Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF).

Imagine if just 5% of this waste could be transformed to replace coal in energy-intensive industries...

The impact would be monumental - over 300,000 tonnes of CO2e prevented from entering the atmosphere and nearly 200,000 tonnes of coal saved from being mined.

And we are not stopping there. We are continuously developing ways to work with new waste streams and extract greater value from those waste streams that cannot be recycled and are often forgotten.

GHG emissions savings Advetec

Advetec will be the global leader in organic, on-site biodegradation of waste material. Using our expertise and skills we provide solutions and services reducing waste and enhancing our environment in equal measure.

Lee Knott

Chief Executive Officer

The difference we’ve made so far



XO systems currently active worldwide



Countries across the globe using our tech



Tonnes of waste diverted from harmful landfills



Tonnes of reusable bi-product created




In revenue saved by our clients through improved efficiencies



MTCO₂e emissions reduced, improving the health of our atmosphere

Making a difference

We believe our breakthrough technology will play a critical role in transitioning towards a more sustainable future.

SRF from waste