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Local waste solution, real world impact.

We empower waste operators worldwide to access technology that transforms non-recyclable waste streams, traditionally disposed at landfill or low-level incineration, into high-quality alternative fuel known as Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF).

By converting forgotten waste into a commodity, we are extracting greater value from the resource, reducing reliance on virgin fossil fuels and lowering global GHG emissions.

Bending the line on the path to a circular economy

Much of the conversation around circularity focuses on the environmental and economic utopia of a 100% circular model rather than the decades-long and vastly expensive journey required to get there, or the changes that can and should be made now.

More focus must be placed on ‘bending the line’ – that is finding ways to transition from a linear economy to a circular one.

One way to support the move from a linear to a circular economy and deliver improvements now rather than tomorrow, is to increase the focus on non-recyclable waste, specifically residual waste. Residual waste cannot be recycled due to the organic contamination but this waste stream could be valuable in helping to transition to a more circular mindset.

This can be achieved by turning it into Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), which holds far greater value than Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Doing so not only gives waste handlers the means to lower their own and their customers’ costs and carbon emissions immediately, it reduces the world’s reliance on fossil fuels - a change we must all get behind.

Although independent waste handlers have been priced out of the SRF market historically, and some have had limited knowledge about SRF offtake as an option – that is all changing. This strong demand for SRF, coupled with Advetec’s on-site biotechnology solution, is levelling the playing field and enabling independent waste businesses to enter the SRF market with ease for the first time.

Advetec XO technology enables waste operators to make an immediate and tangible difference to their environmental impact.

Explore how Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) derived from non-recyclable waste can benefit the circular economy and shift away from the linear model.

SRF whitepaper

Moving waste up the thermal hierarchy

As more value is extracted from waste, it moves up the thermal hierarchy, and the closer it takes us to a fully circular model. For example:

  • When non-recyclable waste is sent for incineration with heat or power offtake, it becomes a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Some value has been extracted.
  • But when that waste is refined further with biotechnology, it moves up the thermal hierarchy. Its potential is unlocked, and it becomes a SRF, capable of replacing primary fossil fuels in heavy industries such as cement.
  • When waste is treated so it can be mined for valuable chemicals and recycled back into new products – its thermal value peaks, and its contribution to circularity greatens.

Through a continuous R&D programme, we strive to find new uses and extract even greater value.

We need to stop viewing mixed residual waste (MRW) as something at the end of its useful life and instead recognise it as an alternative fuel source. Turning this waste into a high-yield energy source provides a ready alternative to fossil fuels. It provides a way for the cement industry to halve its fuel-associated carbon footprint and benefit the circular economy virtually overnight. The cement industry has to decarbonise and SRF is one way how.

Dr Stephen Wise

Chief Strategic Development Officer

Becoming part of the solution

We believe our breakthrough technology will play a critical role in transitioning towards a more sustainable future. By deploying our leading scientific technology, we are revolutionising waste management to offer dynamic environmental solutions for a better world.

Transforming the way we think about waste

It has been demonstrated on numerous levels that the world cannot sustain the current way we dispose of waste. Things need to change. Whilst lots of companies recognise this need for change all too often profits come before the planet. The Advetec solution has been designed to be both environmentally and economically efficient – enhancing the carbon footprint impact and saving money at the same time.

Thinking differently about how waste is managed is the key to this. Our solutions have been built around customer activities – we’ve made it easier to reduce the waste generated for disposal – incorporating our techniques within the established business practice rather than adding steps that generate more work. This is critical to the success – making it easier not harder to deal with waste. At the same time helping our clients to think differently about waste, what material they dispose of, what more can be done with the output material and how they can maximise profitability and environmental benefits are all part of our customer support.

If we transform the way we think about waste, we will transform the way we deal with waste.

Revolutionising global waste management

Our solution is unique because we harness the power of naturally occurring biological processes, such as composting, in combination with technological and engineering solutions. By integrating biotechnology, we replicate the functions of Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plants on a smaller scale, facilitating faster adoption at a local level.

It’s a truly revolutionary way of managing waste and can be applied anywhere in the world.

Committed to sustainability

We are committed to continues testing, improvements and development. Together with our customers we work on new applications for our technology.

    Want to find out more about our waste handling solutions?

    Just drop us a line, our team of experts are always happy to help.

    Advetec Team

    England, Scotland & Wales