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Our purpose & strategy

Local waste solution, real world impact

We provide dynamic biotech solutions to reduce and reuse non-recyclable waste.

Through relentless focus on our purpose we help create a better, more sustainable planet every day.

The difference we’ve made so far



XO systems currently active worldwide



Countries across the globe using our tech



Tonnes of waste diverted from harmful landfills



Tonnes of reusable bi-product created




In revenue saved by our clients through improved efficiencies



MTCO₂e emissions reduced, improving the health of our atmosphere

Our strategy is clear. We won’t stop until Advetec is the go-to technology for waste that would otherwise go to landfill or incineration.

Jim Lovett


Our strategy

Our technology exists to facilitate the desire to be more environmentally responsible, without increasing costs.

Our purpose is to provide dynamic biotech solutions to reduce and reuse non-recyclable waste. By halving the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of and turning it into a fuel replacement or soil enhancing product, we help create a more sustainable planet every day.

We know our technology can help reduce the need for incineration and landfill, significantly lessening environmental impact of waste disposal and transportation. We want to make sure that it presents commercial benefits to our customers.

We achieve this through an unwavering commitment to our four strategic pillars:



The most environmentally friendly option, should be the only option

Life cycle analysis confirms that when compared to landfill, our technology is hugely favourable. With minimal waste to landfill, more compact volume sizes meaning fewer collections and less transportation costs – there really is no competition.



You shouldn’t have to pay a premium to improve your environmental performance

We know that there are enough pressures on your business. That’s why all of our technology is managed on fixed service agreements, with transparent pricing throughout. Ensuring you’re always protected against the ever-increasing costs of waste disposal.



Every commercial site is unique; one size definitely doesn’t fit all

Our units range in size and are modular in design, allowing ease of installation and flexibility of location on-site at any premises. From the smallest of processing rooms to dedicated facilities, our range can seamlessly integrate with your current operational procedures; meaning minimal change in working practice.



Installation is just the start of our journey together

With our world-leading technology platform, we can monitor your system’s performance remotely from anywhere in the world, anytime. Our consultative solution includes waste analysis, bespoke engineering solutions, comprehensive staff training and navigation of often complex environmental requirements to deal with your waste stream, as you progress.

Want to find out more about our waste solutions?

Just drop us a line, our team of experts are always happy to help.

Scott Owen

Director of Business Development

Scott Owen Advetec North America